I’ve known Hemal since the ‘90s and can honestly say that anyone accusing her of racism and bigotry is so completely off base. It’s almost like you want to call her names based on a tiny slice of something that you’re willfully misunderstanding. Because we all know that if you really had a problem with racist tweets, you sure would have spoken up more over the last 4 years.
The comments thread here is a textbook example of white fragility, and it’s pretty appalling.
If media organizations are going to expect journalists to tweet regularly, they have to be willing to accept that their journalists are going to make mistakes. Sure, she said something ill-advised, but she caught it and dealt with it appropriately and all you goons are out here acting like she’s the Indian Roseanne Barr. Having a public presence is a tightrope act for anyone, more so for women and even more so for women of color. All you alt-right assholes should be happy she tweeted that because it gives you an excuse to be mad — and you people aren’t happy unless you’re mad about something.
Every one of you Hannity fans needs to stop leaving angry comments here and write Hemal a thank-you note instead — we all know that getting angry at a woman of color for making a solid point is the only way Fox News fans can cum and you should at least show a little gratitude.